Jord Lindelauf

The ALL U collection arose from the theme of self-reflection. We as human beings like to show our best side to the outside world, yet this is interpreted in different ways by insert enter is why every ALL U mirror has two different sides. The mirror side shows how we want to appear to everyone. It shows us how we behave and how we look. The other side shows a rough image. Perhaps it is an image of how others interpret us. Maybe it is an image of how we feel on the inside. Even though we see a blurred and obscure reflection, here too you see the truth.

Jord Lindelauf is a young Belgian architect and designer. His designs arise from a personal story or are influenced by his architectural background where proportions play an important role. Jord questions everyday objects and seeks to create space for new objects with a different understanding. With his distinctive design language, the design will never scream for attention but rather blends into its surroundings. It is precisely this simplicity and honesty that makes it stand out.